“BEST FRIENDS against Ageism – Intergenerational workshops between old people and children to brake the isolation of elderly people and support their social inclusion” aims to break the isolation and exclusion of elderly people in our communities.
“Actions surrounding intergenerational exchanges created new meanings of family”
At a glance
The number of elderly people living on their own is expected to increase as a consequence of the demographic change in European societies.
BEST FRIENDS against Ageism focuses exactly on this factor and aims to break the isolation and exclusion of elderly people in our communities, by developing an innovative curriculum and collecting inventive games that promote intergenerational communication and learning.
The Project runs for 24 months starting on 31/12/2020 and finishing on 30/12/2022.
It is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for adult education and it is implemented by: Point Europa, Gulbene novada pasvaldiba, Pistes Solidaires, Kinderbetreuungseinrichtung / Kindervilla, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, Symplexis.
The aims

Provide an innovative method for social care workers, volunteers and educators that work with the elderly.

Break the isolation of elderly people through social participation and inclusion in our communities.

Improve their physical and mental health through interaction with young children.

Enriching the learning processes of elderly people in regards to interaction with young children
Approximately 689 participants will be directly involved in the project though preparatory activities, evaluation & selection procedures for the adults to be trained, participation in pilot workshops and multiplier events the activities of the project are mainly aimed at:
Primary Target Group
Elderly people
Primary Target Group
Care/Social workers, volunteers helping elderly
…with mutual benefit to the: