The pilot phase of „Best Friends“ in England

Nov. 30, 2022 | News

Point Europa carried out pilot testing on the Best Friends handbook at 2 venues over 2 days. The participants attending the events were individuals working with older people or children, either in a volunteer capacity or as employment.

The feedback we received was extremely positive and both sessions were very successful. Some quotes were “I am very excited to start to organise some intergenerational activities at work”

“It would be great if the information for the training could reach more people. It was wonderful and interesting”

We also carried out pilot testing for the Best Friends toolkit on 20th Sept at Millbrook Village Hall. The “testing” was carried out with thanks to Millbrook pre-school and the staff/children attending there, along with elderly residents of our community. We pilot tested 2 games from the Toolkit (Balloon Tennis and Sport Day).

The level of interactivity was very high. The educators, care workers and older adults were surprised with how engaged the children were and interactive they were, especially as these children had spent many vital years struggling with Covid Lock downs, being isolated from “normal” social contact with others during vital formative years.

The feedback from all was very positive and all enjoyed the event with everyone stating that they wanted the intergenerational work and activities to continue.