Since June, 2022, several activities took place in Gulbene to test intellectual results developed in frames of the project “BEST FRIENDS”. The target audience of these activities were elderly people, pre-school kids and educators, as well as social workers and social care workers.
In total 4 events were organised in social care centre “Alejas” and Gulbene 3rd pre-school “Auseklītis” involving 39 professionals (educators and social care workers), 36 pre-school kids and 40 seniors. Aim of these events were to introduce kids, seniors and professionals with methods of intellectual result IO3.
In total 2 events were organised in social care centre “Alejas” and Gulbene 3rd pre-school “Auseklītis” involving 24 professionals (educators and social care workers). Aim of the event was to share skills and knowledge gained in the international training held in UK, as well as to study the content training programme for those who are working with elderly people and intergenerational aspects.
Materials provided by the project turned out to be useful and are complementary to the skills and practices already existing in the organisations. It was an invaluable opportunity for kids and elderly people to share their moments together and learn.