The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in England

The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in England

Point Europa carried out pilot testing on the Best Friends handbook at 2 venues over 2 days. The participants attending the events were individuals working with older people or children, either in a volunteer capacity or as employment. The feedback we received was...
The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in Latvia

The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in Latvia

Since June, 2022, several activities took place in Gulbene to test intellectual results developed in frames of the project “BEST FRIENDS”. The target audience of these activities were elderly people, pre-school kids and educators, as well as social workers and social...
The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in Greece

The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in Greece

In October, during a big event for older persons in Athens, the Best Friends Toolkit was piloted. Children (4-5 year-olds) and older persons got together, to enjoy a creative workshop, as well as some sports activities. First, they created a landscape of flowers, with...
The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in France

The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in France

In France, the testing phase of the training manual and toolkit took place in September and October 2022. The workshops sessions to test the BEST FRIENDS manual were organised the 19th of September at the social centre Denentzat in Hendaye, very active in working with...
The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in Austria

The pilot phase of “Best Friends” in Austria

Over the course of the summer and autumn months, Kindervilla has successfully implemented workshops to pilot both the training program handbook and the toolkit for intergenerational activities. Firstly, Kindervilla piloted the toolkit in cooperation with Wohn und...